7 SaaS Content Marketing Strategies to Support Lead Generation

by | Sep 5, 2022 | Digital, Marketing, Strategy

Discover 7 SaaS Content Marketing Strategies to Power Your Lead Generation Strategy

Content marketing has and will continue to be a marketer’s foundational strategy to reach, educate and engage their audience, customers and leads. SaaS content marketing should be approached differently compared to other industries, and should first focus on bottom of the funnel content.

SaaS content marketing is similar to all B2B content marketing- it helps drive lead generation that fuels growth marketing. Fantastic content increases conversions, fosters SEO strategies, extends brand awareness, lifts revenue, and defines your business and team as thought leaders. Best part about content marketing- it leverages multiple distribution channels and can be reformatted.

We’ve identified 7 ways to boost your leads and sales in 2022 using content marketing and content optimization. If you’re trying to grow a business through creative, efficient content marketing, you’ll love these 8 lead-generating ideas.

Getting Your B2B & SaaS Content Marketing Mix Just Right

Content strategies should be documented and built around the needs and education stage of your audience, customers and leads. It’s critical to map the content purpose (educate, engage, entertain, convince or inspire) to the content format to create a content matrix. SaaS content marketing requires the writer to focus on the pain-points their platform solves, while educating the reader.

This matrix covers almost every single type of content.

SaaS content marketing lead generation

Content is still reigning king in 2021, with 90% of all organizations using content for marketing and 78% of CMOs seeing custom content as the future of marketing.

We’ve identified 8 ways to boost your leads and sales in 2021 using content marketing and content optimization. If you’re trying to grow a business through creative, efficient content marketing, you’ll love these 8 lead-generating ideas.

1. Optimized Content Marketing

Content is still reigning king in 2021, with 90% of all organizations using content for marketing and 78% of CMOs seeing custom content as the future of marketing. Your role is to create relevant content for your audience that they want to see. By adding great content to your site, you invite more people to your pages and therefore more leads into your offers.

You can easily promote these valuable content pieces to your audience, without feeling like over promoting. The value is beneficial to your entire audience, including those who don’t sign up.

Then, optimize your content to attract leads by slipping your offers into the text, displaying them in sidebars, and adding a call to action at the bottom of the page. Give value first, then present your irresistible offers, and the result will be more leads and sales for your business.

Bonus tip: You should incorporate your cornerstone SEO keywords into your content- URL slug, image file names, H1 tags, alt descriptions and don’t forget about internal linking.

2. Increase Conversions with Social Proof Snippets

On your website you likely have a sign-up form, newsletter or some way to collect leads. You also likely have social proof, testimonials and quotes from customers on your site.

You can combine these methods by creating short snippets of what your customers say and displaying them near the opt-in forms. This sends a message to customers that by signing up, they’ll experience the positive results other customers are getting.

3. Create a Custom Industry Guide

72% of marketers consider custom content to be more effective than advertising in a magazine, 62% think it’s better than TV, and 69% say it’s superior to direct mail and PR.

You may already have a small lead magnet on your site, but this is even better. Create an industry guide that goes in depth on your subject and provides immense value to anyone interested in your space.

This can be a detailed guide on a topic related to your industry, or a full industry guide reviewing everything your audience needs to know. This valuable guide can easily sell itself, and if you offer it as a free lead-magnet and promote it everywhere, the lead floodgates will open.

4. “Make Them a Lead-Magnet They Can’t Refuse”

While this sounds like a quote by Don Corleone from the Godfather, it’s actually a piece of advice that will help you generate way more leads.

Using a simple lead magnet, or even a detailed guide, will help you get good conversion rates and more leads. However, instead of offering something similar to everyone else, get creative by offering something they simply cannot refuse.
Use a quiz, first asking them questions they care about, then offering to send the quiz results to their email address. This is an offer they will find hard to refuse.

Try using a checklist or template, or a targeted downloadable resource that they are searching for. The more targeted the value, the harder it will be to refuse.

5. Engage With “Modern” Language of Memes, GIFs & Emojis 📗✨

When older generations started to appreciate memes, GIFs and emojis, you know it’s a sign of changing times. You can use these engaging graphics and symbols to increase your open rates, click-through rates and sign ups.

In fact, using emojis in a tweet can increase engagement by 25%, on a Facebook post it increases the likes by 57%, and increase shares and comments by 33%.

Most businesses are too serious, and never engage the natural, human part of online communication. If you can add humor and excitement to your messaging, you’ll convey natural authenticity and get your audience to pay attention.

Increased attention, positive emotions and authentic language all increase your conversion rates and boost the number of leads in your business.

6. Targeted Landing Pages for Each Ad

When someone clicks your ad and lands on a highly relevant page, they are more likely to sign up. Images, colors, messaging, and offer should all align through your ad to the landing page. Research has found that businesses with 30-40 landing pages earned 7 times more leads than those with just 1-5 landing pages. Businesses with over 40 landing pages generated a massive 12 times more leads that those with just 1-5.

When promoting specific offers in your business, for example, a free trial, a custom quote, or the answer to a question, the landing page must deliver that promise. The more relevant your landing page is to the ad, the cheaper your cost-per-click will get, and the higher your lead sign-up conversation rate will be.

7. Build Targeted Audiences on Facebook With Net-Casting Ads

Create an engagement-based Facebook ad that doesn’t try to sell anything or lead people anywhere. Engagement posts may ask a user to fill in the blanks of a quote, get their vote or opinion on a subject, or to comment on something related to the post.

These posts are less like ads and therefore get higher engagement and more natural social sharing than their obvious advert counterparts. You can then build a retargeting audience and advertise to those who engaged with your ad.

Now you can retarget these people using a lead generating ad, which will have a lower cost, and much higher click-through-rates since they already saw and engaged with your previous ad.

Bonus Tip: Use a chatbot software like ManyChat to reply to anyone who comments. Then ask users to “comment ‘Yes’ if you agree” or offer a choice and ask users to “comment A or B”. Using ManyChat you can then DM those people automatically, start automated chatbot conversations, and guide them to a lead generation page to collect their emails.

Combine the chatbot replies with your net casting ads and retargeting, and you’ll have tons of leads rushing into your business.

A Content Marketing Lead-Generating Machine

These content marketing ideas are all powerful ways to increase your leads, and by implementing them you’ll create a lead generating machine for your business.

If you want to achieve massive growth, improve conversion rates, and increase your leads and revenue, then reach out to one of our lead generation experts and we’ll help you achieve, and surpass your lead-generating goals.

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